Have you made a resolution to eat better, shop local, or get more involved with your community? Let Cedar Valley help you out!
10. You care about how farm animals are treated.
9. You want to keep antibiotics working for people.
8. You want to know the people who are raising your food.
7. You like supporting a small, independent business.
6. Bacon!
5. You love meat, but understand that “Less Meat, Better Meat” is better for you and the planet.
4. We offer friendly, personal service.
3. The quality of the meat is far superior to conventionally raised animals.
2. Starting with the best ingredients makes being a fabulous cook easier.
1. You want to be part of a community that cares about the quality and ethics of the food you eat.
We offer smaller sized pacakge to try, a monthly Meat CSA , or order a larger quantiy of custom butchered beef or pork. Place your order now to pick up at one of our delivery sites this month.
Contact us at cdrvalleyfarm@gmail.com with any questions, or call Beth at 815-431-9544.
Do you already love Cedar Valley? Leave your reason(s) in the comments below!