Coming up on 20 Years – Are you kidding me?!

Origin Story

Beth and Jody were working corporate jobs (Arthur Andersen and Allstate, respectively) and expecting their second child. Jody was working on a testing team trying to break a new system. The new software would allow Allstate to sell online. What can’t we buy on the internet today?

Beth was a Professional Skill Trainer at Athur Andersen. She taught accountants and tech people how to communicate with one another. Classes included “How to run effective meetings”, “Design engaging Presentations”, and “Professional emails”. She worked a few days per week. It was a sweet gig that she loved – flexible schedule, full benefits, and a great work environment. Jody was considering going back to school for an MBA. Allstate had tuition reimbursement and he wanted to get into business development.

While Beth was on maternity leave this happened:

Enron imploded under in a severe case of moral and financial bankruptcy. Jeffrey Skilling’s criminality brought down his own company and his company’s accounting firm, Athur Andersen. Beth, along with 70,000 colleagues worldwide were soon to be without jobs.

Beth was home caring for our little guys during the Enron trial. She avoided most of office turmoil it created. That’s not to say that we were without stress…the bursting of the tech bubble and the ensuing economic turmoil really lowered the odds of her finding such a favorable position.

A lot was still up in the air when we drove out with the boys to see our parents for Mother’s Day..

Jody’s parents talked about how they had taken their farm off the market. They had just remodeled the farm house and were going to rent it out. While loving on the grandbabies, Jody’s mom commented, “Gee, it would sure be nice to have you kids closer to home.”

to be continued…

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