Tag Archives: writing

The Peasants Speak – Opinionated Peasants

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Three years ago, we bought the domain name for Opinionated Peasants. Our idea then was to start posting on food and farming as well as a broader range of topics from parenting to small business ownership to politics.

Unfortunately, it’s been dormant since then as doing the farming, parenting, and running a business seemed to get in the way of writing. What we’ve found, though, is that when we write/publish articles on what we do good things happen. So, we’re giving it renewed life.

We’re building out the blog. We’ll post about more than just food, farm news and events – which is what you’ll see here on “At the Farm Table”. It is definitely a work in progress, but we’ve decided to publish and publicize as we grow into more seasoned bloggers. What held Opinionated Peasants back in the past was that we didn’t want talk about the blog until we had it “finished.” We’ve realized that nothing is EVER finished.

Hopefully, as we go along it will improve and grow and it will give value to YOU, our readers. Help us out by commenting on our posts, asking questions, and giving us suggestions!

You’ll see posts about family, growing a sustainable business, politics, as well as cooking and farming articles. We have three terrific boys. We’ll share stories about our parenting wins and fails, and how we manage (and sometimes don’t) the pushes and pulls of work, family, school, and relationships.

We even have a merchandise page in the works – think tee-shirts, coffee mugs, and plans for chicken tractors and pig shelters.

Jody recently posted a long-form post on how to adopt the chef’s practice of prepping ahead of time to cook more like a professional. It called Mise en Place.cracked eggs

Following the tips can really reduce stress when cooking.

It’s, also a place to go for resources as well. We’ve started out with food and CSA links, but we’ll be adding links to a lot of sites that we have found useful in our farming, business and family lives.

Come join us on this blogging adventure!

Subscribe with the feed burner, share with your friends on social media, and by all means leave comments, questions, and story ideas!

We want it to be an interactive community!

Do you Blog?

Do you Blog? As you’ve probably (hopefully) noticed, we’ve been trying to post more regularly on the At the Farm Table blog. We want to keep that up. That said, one of the traits that Beth and I both share is that we are very deadline oriented. If a task has a due date attached,… Continue Reading